An event in the Yasamal district organization of the YAP was held

On November 16, the Chairman of the first party organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) at the Institute, Ilgar Khalilov, took part in an event organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the party in YAP Yasamal district organization.
The event participants were informed that YAP, created on the initiative and with the direct participation of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, plays an important role in the development of our country. Under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chairman of YAP Ilham Aliyev, the party has become the leading political force not only in our country, but also in the region.
At the event, it was noted that the main goal of the YAP program, formulated by National Leader Heydar Aliyev, is to preserve and strengthen the state independence of Azerbaijan, ensure territorial integrity, build a democratic, legal and secular state. It was emphasized that for 30 years the party has been acting in accordance with its goals and has achieved significant success.
At the end, the members of the Party, who actively participated in the social and political life of the regional organization, were awarded certificates of honor, letters of thanks and gifts, and those who had just joined the ranks of the YAP were awarded membership cards.

Published : 17-11-2022

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