Announcement (“The prospects of cooperation between the Turkic peoples in modern conditions”)

The Institute on Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences and Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation intend to hold a joint Round table on the topic “The prospects of cooperation between the Turkic peoples in modern conditions” on November 25, 2016 at 11:00. The director of the Institute on Law and Human Rights, doctor of law, MP Aytan Mustafazada, the President of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Gunay Afandiyeva, the vice-president of ANAS, the chairman of the Committee of the Parliament, academician Isa Habibbayli will deliver speeches, as well as the ambassadors of Turkic-speaking countries in Azerbaijan, parliamentarians, representatives of different organizations, experts, researchers, youth and  representatives of media will attend the event.


Address: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,  the Institute on Law and Human Rights, a conference room, H.Javid pr115 (Academcampus)

Phone:   012- 537-20-73;

                012- 537-20-76;


   Fax:       012- 537-20-79

Published : 25-11-2016

Views : 12