Armenian Gregorian church is the creator of the “Armenian issue”

Senior Researcher of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences Hajar Verdieva takes part in the VIII International Symposium of the Turkic World Research.
The international event, which began its work on June 2, is being held online in accordance with the rules of the pandemic.
Among the reports heard on the third day of the symposium, the scientific report of Hajar Verdiyeva on the topic "The Armenian Gregorian Church - the creator of the" Armenian issue"" was met with interest.
The scientist brought to attention that, while studying the "Armenian issue”, both Soviet and Western historiography got the better of the iceberg, created images of "oppressed" Armenians and "wild" Turks, one of the first crimes of the idea of "Greater Armenia“, which became the mother line of the” Armenian question", blamed the Ottoman Empire for the Armenian riots that occurred in Eastern Anatolia at the end of the XIX century.
According to her, as the geographical space of the problem expanded and the national conflict in the region became more acute in the South Caucasus, Western historiography looked for the Romanovs in Russia, while Soviet historiography saw the Western states as the culprits of what was happening, but to the question "who is the creator of the”Armenianissue"? "they didn't answer.
H. Verdieva stressed that since the end of the IV century, the Armenian-Gregorian Church, which sought a new homeland for the scattered Armenians from Ikichayara to Eastern Anatolia, the Kara Plateau, and from there to the Mediterranean basin – Cilicia, preserved the Monophysite teaching of Christianity, and in the Middle Ages, under the cold walls of the church, invented the legend of the “Armenian issue”.
It should be noted that the VIII International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic World, held in a virtual format, will last until June 5

Published : 04-06-2021

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