"Armenian Nazism - the ideology of terror" was published in Russian and English

The book "Armenian Nazism - the ideology of terror" co-authored by the director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Doctor of Law, Professor Ayten Mustafazade and researcher, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science Abbas Islamov has been published.
This book is devoted to exposure of the deep origins of a unique phenomenon in the history of humankind – Armenian racism, to the re¬cent time practically not known by the world community. The racist ideology, acting as a hidden driving force, brought radical Armenian nationalism to the level of aggressive Nazism, which for several decades turned into a bloody calamity for the nations of the South Caucasus.
Despite the defeat of the Armenian occupational army, the libera¬tion of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the victorious end of the Patriotic War, the ideology of Armenian racism and Nazism has not changed its essence and content at all. It still dominates the Armenian national consciousness, both in Armenia itself and in numerous Arme¬nian diasporas. Armenian racism is not only the sole racist ideology of our time – it is still actively promoted in the Armenian environment and continues to be a real threat to peace and stability in the region.

Published : 27-07-2021

Views : 98