The Institute started a series of trainings with the support of the Council of Europe

Within the framework of the joint cooperation of the Institute of Law and Human Rights and the Council of Europe, a sequence of trainings have been started since July 27.

Uzeyir Mammadov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the Institute delivered an opening speech at the first training session named "Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Court of Justice of Azerbaijan in the perspective of the European Court of Human Rights". on ", U.Mammadov informed the training participants about the activities of the Institute and talked about the research projects carried out at the Institute. He pointed out the demand for books published in this field and emphasized the importance of the trainings for lawyers. The deputy chairman mentioned that, taking into the account  a demand for legal literature, the Institute created a "Virtual Library of Law and Human Rights" dedicated  to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.  U.Mammadov highly appreciated the collaboration support of the Council of Europe in numerous projects, as well as in conducting these trainings.

The training started with a comprehensive presentation on "Article 6 of the ECHR: civil-legal perspective" by Vusala Muradkhanli, head of the Human Rights Training and Expertise Department of the Institute, member of the Bar Association. Through interpreting the right to a fair trial in terms of the rule of law, the trainer emphasized the necessity of practical and effective access to the court.

The trainer-expert, member of the Bar Association, Babek Hamidov, continued the training with a presentation on "Article 6 of the ECHR: criminal-legal perspective" The trainer-expert drew attention to crucial decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which define the rights of criminally charged persons covered by Article 6, and to  the standards and approaches in this field.

During the discussions, the main principles formed by the precedent law of the International Criminal Court, relevant precedents, access to court, procedural requirements, the concept of "criminal charge", presumption of innocence (Article 6.2), guarantee of the right of defense (Article 6.3), the most known violations in the decisions issued against Azerbaijan were discussed. the questions of the participants were answered by the trainer-experts, and the solution of cases on the topic was worked out as a group.

In the end, the training was evaluated by the participants and certificates were presented to 19 young lawyers who took part in the training.

It should be noted that the next trainings will be held for the employees of the justice departments, prosecution and judicial bodies of Sheki, Ganja, Nakhchivan, Guba, Lankaran, Shirvan and Sumgayit, as well as members of the Bar Association.

Published : 27-07-2023

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