Aytan Mustafazada,Zamiq Aslanov: Medical law

The textbook was prepared by the Institute on Law and Human Rights of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences with regard to the existing legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the theory of law and many practical problems in the field of health.

Presented textbook describes the legal aspects of medical activity in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the protection of the health of the population in modern times, and general character of medical law, protection of health as one of the basic constitutional rights of citizens, the right to life in the context of medical activity, patient rights in the legislation and international practice, medical workers and legal status of doctors, liability for infringement of patients' rights, legal bases of sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, legal basis of medical activity on human body and tissue transplantation, legal regulation of compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Azerbaijan, medical error, and other legal aspects of medical activity were reviewed in the book.

The textbook is useful for teachers, PhD students and students of higher education institutions, health and social workers, in general, anyone interested in the legal regulation of medical activities.

Published : 29-01-2018

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