"Damage to the Historical and Cultural Monuments in the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan"

The book “Damage to the historical and cultural monuments in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan”, published by the Institute on Law and Human Rights of ANAS in 2017, has been translated and published in French.
Armenian nationalists living with the imagination of establishing "Greater Armenia" to imitate insincere territorial claims against historical neighboring states have committed genocide and terrorism policy towards all mankind and humanity and have embarked on terrible murders. However, they have made genuine "genocide" against ancient and precious monuments other than those guilty of only human beings and crimes chosen by special brutality, and have made them most likely.
A valuable book titled "Damage to the history and culture of Azerbaijan's occupied territories" was published by the Law and Human Rights Institute of ANAS with support of  the International Foundation for Turkish Culture and Heritage, National comission of UNESCO in Azerbaijan Republic.  The publication prepared on the basis of archival documents of Azerbaijan has important political-historical significance. Now that the Armenian horrors have been maintained in the occupied Azerbaijani territories with special activity and the publication is updated accordingly, the book has been translated and published in English and French languages. In the book published in high-quality and exquisite print in polygraphic terms is the first time that the reasons for the Armenian horror of immovable historical and cultural monuments occupied as a result of unknown reasons  of Armenia-Azerbaijan , Nagorno-Karabakh dispute are being investigated .
The director of the ANAS Law and Human Rights Institute, lawyer, deputy of National Assmebly Ayten Mustafazade addressed the readers to the fact that the Institute had until now found historical facts, the shaping of objective information about the Nagorno-Karabakh problem in the world public, the issue of " Armenianism ",  many valuable publications were  prepared and published. The next step in this direction is the book "Damage to the  history and culture of Azerbaijan in the occupied territories ".   At present, the Armenian horror toward to the historical monuments of Azerbaijan shows itself clearly.   A.Mustafazadə emphasized that the armenians destroyed hundreds of historical, religious and cultural monuments in occupied Azerbaijani lands. He noted that   Law and Human Rights Institute of ANAS , in line of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the historical truth of the Armenian terrorist organizations, "Armenianism" syndrome and its particulars and other relevant issues,  in-depth, scientifically research , precious publications about it should be our priority.
Günay Afandiyeva, president of the International Foundation for Turkish Culture and Heritage, noted in her  preface that the Azerbaijani people wrote various works on economic and cultural monuments up to now, but noted that there are no such large and fuller researches on the monuments of our occupied lands.
According to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan, adopted by the National Assembly of Azerbaijan on April 10, 1998, "Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments", registration, examination, protection, restoration, repair  and use of monuments in all regions of the country  is organized and implemented by institutions and non-governmental organizations.
Cultural heritage includes not only immovable historical and cultural monuments, but also all the documents that testify to history and the monuments that carry national and spiritual values. Cultural heritage is the richness of people's national cultural and historical heritage. Destruction or vandalism of a people's cultural heritage by other peoples or nations is unacceptable. This has also been identified in international law and contracts. The Hague Convention, which was adopted in 1954 on "the protection of cultural values during military conflicts," puts concrete demands on its members. UNESCO  adopted a document  in 8th session of the Committee held in Paris in 2012  for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict for the protection of cultural property in the occupied territories adopted a document.
"Damage to the history and culture of Azerbaijan's occupied territories" is a very valuable book to learn the reasons for the Armenian vandalism policy, which is the product of  Law and Human Rights Institute of ANAS, which is active in the direction of announcing the facts about the Armenia-Azerbaijan , Nagorno-Karabakh problem as being internationally known.  Information about the historical and cultural monuments of Azerbaijan, which is accompanied by photographs, is given based on relevant documents.   As it is known, after the Turkmenchay peace agreement in 1828, Russia started to carry out  the placement  policy of the armenian. As a result of the placement, the number of armenians reached 18 thousand in 1828-1829 and 34 thousand 606 in 1843 in Karabag province. N.I.Shavrov, who was interested in transfer issues, wrote about this, that in the years 1828-1830, 40 thousand Iranians and 84 thousand Turkish Armenians in South Caucasia were placed in the best territories in the provinces of Yelizavetpol and Yerevan where there are no Armenian population, Yelizavetpol The mountainous part of the province (now Nagorno-Karabakh) and the shores of Goycha  lake were settled with the armenians. He recorded later, more than 1 billion of the more than 1 million 300 Armenians living in the South Caucasus have nothing to do with the well-to-do residents of the land, and they were settled by us. As a result of the settlement of the Armenians, the Albanian state and religion lost their independence in Karabakh, and the population of these places became irreconcilable.
This was caused by the destruction or arming of the cultural values of the Christian period in the South Caucasus. As a matter of fact, the writings of the albanian churches were translated into the Armenian language and the originals were burned, the letters of the business cards of the churches and monasteries and the forms of the artistic stone samples were changed.
 Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS  thinks about the material and moral damage of Azerbaijan as a result of the armed attack and occupation of Armenia. The clarification of the amount of this damage and its fulfillment of the issue is aimed at resolving the problem of general Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh problem is one of the important dimensions. In the new edition these topics have been analyzed in detail. At the end of the  20th century, as a result of  next attack of Armenia to  more than 20% of azerbaijani lands, in other words, more than 17 thousand sq m territory was occupied.  The first evaluation of the occupation, the country as a result of any injury suffered up to 400 billion USD dollars.  It is not possible to value the value of our historical and cultural resources that were stolen and destroyed by the Armenians. Armenia is interested in looting the cultural riches of Azerbaijan by roughly breaking the provisions of the Hague Convention and the "Paris Convention on the Illegal Bulking of Cultural Properties" on "Protection of cultural heritage during military conflicts".
 It is proven in the book based on the fact that the armenian destroyed or destroyed all of our historical structures. The fact that the monuments were made ugly and  even the armenians objected for it.   As a matter of fact, on June 24, 2013, 350 people of Armenia's famous intellectuals and famous persons objected to Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan, president of the Armenian community in Karabakh, separatist Bako Saakyana and General armenian  Catholics in protesting the amendment of the structure of the Genjeser monastery complex in Vangli village of Azerbaijan. Sent a letter, they called it act of vandalism .
 In this book published within the scope of the next project of  Law and Human Rights Institute of ANAS , it is stated in the book that "the armenian destroyed, plundered and paralyzed not only industrial, agricultural and natural resources in the occupied Azerbaijani territories and at the same time, forced the normal life style of the Azerbaijanis living there, Folklore, place names, cuisine, and written examples of historical artifacts, including national cultural values, clothing, examples of architectural art, places of worship, places of worship, musical works, musical instruments and other works of art and applied arts Artifacts), one or the other gradually destroys, all the national cultural values are planned and systematically destroyed . Historical monuments in the occupied territories include cyclopian architectural monuments, stone statues, antique statues, horse-ram figures, bridges, glasses, sprues, water mills and etc.  All these ancient monuments are being investigated from the scientific point of view and it is shown that after Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani territories in 1992-1993, they illegally changed the architectural structure and business card of the immovable history and historical monuments of Azerbaijan, distorted the wall writings, numerous stone writings, and also quite an albanian period. In many literary styles, they have completely erased the motifs and symbols, and most of them have changed their form and become unrecognizable. In these lands, the armenian  are doing illegal archaeological excavations, building churches in ruined villages, changing place names, adopting the material culture examples of Azerbaijan, and taking care of the settling armenians in these lands.
More than a hundred museum items from the occupied Azerbaijani territories in the administrative settlement areas, artistic writing examples, artistic weaving art and household goods, carpets, composer works, official state documents, maps and camera roll, money notes, old weapons and hunting materials  was robbed to Armenia.
In the book Lachin, Kalbajar , Gubadli, Jabrayil, Shusha and all other occupied territories, the number of historical and cultural monuments on the state register, their current situation and the damage suffered on these monuments are shown separately.   The images, tables and photographs of the monuments presented to the readers proves that they are no longer the same as the Armenian vandalism.
We think that Azerbaijan should be entitled to compensation from Armenia, according to the history of immovable property and the damage to cultural structures. As a result of the armed attack and occupation of Armenia, Azerbaijan has suffered material and moral damages in great proportions. According to modern international law, the Republic of Azerbaijan has the right to file lawsuits and to receive compensation in respect of compensating for the damage suffered by it. The fact that Azerbaijan has the right to compensation for the damage it has been afflicted has also been confirmed in the decisions of international organizations.
 We are sure  that the valuable book "Damage to the history and culture of Azerbaijan in the occupied territories" prepared by the  Law and Human Rights Institute of ANAS is now going to decipher  the global Armenian terror that some countries of the world are still indifferent, and as a result of Armenia's attack on Azerbaijan, how big is the size of the damage and the hazards that our people are occurred. It will contribute to the public display of the international public.

Published : 03-01-2019

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