Expert-trainers of the Institute conducted training for employees of Binaghady District Executive Power

On May 15, 2023, experts-trainers of “Institute of Law and Human Rights” public legal entity (Institute) conducted training for employees of Binaghady District Executive Power of Baku City.

The training covered the topics Consideration of applications of citizens”, “Corruption, bribery and ethical conduct”, ”Responsibility in social media” and “Prospects for cooperation of local executive authorities with NGOs".

The deputy head of Binaghady District Executive Power Sevinj Suleimanova welcomed the guests and stressed that she highly appreciates such trainings organized by the Institute on current topics. S.Suleymanova expressed her  hope that this cooperation would be sustainable in future.

Head of Legal Research Department of the Institute, Araz Abdullasoy made a speech on ”Consideration of applications of citizens“ and gave detailed commentaries on the laws “On the rules of ethical conduct of civil servants“ and ”Consideration of applications of citizens“, as well as Articles 13 (The right to effective legal remedies) and 34 (Individual complaints) of the European Convention. He also brought statistical figures on violations in the activities of municipalities to the attention of the training participants.

At the training, Head of the Department of Training and Expertise on Human Rights of the Institute, Vusala Muradkhanli made a presentation on the topic “Responsibility in social media”. The trainer informed about the person's right to use the social networking platform and to abide  to the Internet rules when exercising of the right to access to information. V.Muradkhanli also gave a detailed analysis of Article 47 (Freedom of thought and expression) of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, articles 147 (Defamation) and 148 (Insult) of the Criminal Code. She emphasized that insulting people and defaming them by misusing their freedom of thought and expression entails criminal liability.

Such topics as "What is corruption and bribery?”, “The rules of ethical conduct of civil servants”, “Local and international legislation on corruption" were fully explained in the presentation of the expert-trainer Nazrin Aliyeva. The trainer reported that over the past year, 180 criminal cases were sent to the court against 281 persons, the amount of damage paid for corruption crimes amounted to 49 million 153 thousand manats and the amount of the seized property constituted 13 million 283 thousand manats.

In his presentation on “Prospects for cooperation of local executive authorities with NGOs" expert-trainer Ismayil Musayev touched upon the issues of cooperation with NGOs for the development of business environment and attracting foreign investors, the role of NGOs in ensuring public control and conveying the realities of Azerbaijan to the world community.

During the discussions, the questions of the employees of the executive power were responded and a wide exchange of views was held on topics.


Published : 15-05-2023

Views : 130