International  (Public) Law Course 

Collective Authors:

Mustafazadeh Ayten İnqilab qızı,
Director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS,
deputy, professor, doctor of law;

Aliyev Etibar Ali oglu,
Member of the Azerbaijan Lawyers Confederation,
Acting member of the International Transport Academy,
Professor, Doctor of Law;

Efendiyev Oktay Fridun oglu,
Professor of the Azerbaijan State Economic University,
Doctor of Law;

Huseynova Fatima Etibar gizi,
Member of the World Medical Law Association, member of the Editorial Board of the scientific-theoretical, experimental journal "Transport Law", associate professor, PhD on law

This textbook, written by collective authors on the basis of the relevant curriculum in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides the legal structures constituting a part of international (publikative) law, their subject matter, principles, sources, subjects and so on. issues are touched upon in detail and their essence is clarified. In the work, the provisions of the special part of international (public) law  are reviewed, its system is studied, its specific legal domains are distinguished. In modern times, the international law (law) course covers the right to international treaties, the right to foreign relations, the right of international organizations, international humanitarian law, international economic law and so on. such as independent (public) law; issues related to each independent branch of law are considered in the international legal context.

This textbook contributes to the filling of existing gaps in modern international law and elimination of legal algorithm and nihilism manifestations.

Published : 14-01-2019

Views : 78