“Khojaly genocide is the bloodiest massacre of the 20th century”

“The Khojaly genocide was the most bloody massacre committed against humanity in the twentieth century. First of all, this is an event that clearly demonstrates the aggression and the policy of ethnic cleansing conducted by Armenia against the Azerbaijani state and its people. The repetition of statistics on the number of people killed with particular cruelty and brutality in the Khojaly tragedy is not a key factor giving it an objective political and legal assessment. Since, due to unprecedented cruelty towards humanity, statistics loses its significance. The head of the department of international relations and human rights of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, political scientist Elshad Mirbashiroglu told the IAS about this. According to him, despite the fact that the aggressor country Armenia is trying to limit the scale of the terrible crime committed in Khojaly and emotional experiences, but the world is already informed about this tragedy. As is known, the campaign “Justice for Khojaly”, initiated by Mrs. Aliyeva, and the great work on the international recognition of the tragedy in the world in a short time was quite effective. It should be noted that the international community is well informed about the tragedy. At the same time, the global awareness of this bloody act of vandalism, which Armenia committed against our people, is an important area of diplomacy of the Azerbaijani state. Despite all this, double standards in many cases impede the goal to give a political and legal assessment of the Khojaly tragedy. Thus, the classification is carried out in relation to the tragedies committed against humanity. In other words, whereas the fake “Armenian genocide” is sensitive and with attention, in the near future, after the Second World War, the Khojaly tragedy, which is the bloodiest and most brutal crime in the world, does not receive the necessary political and legal assessments in the eyes of the whole world. Of course, this is done intentionally. There are also signs of Christian commitment. Condemnation of the Armenian aggressor due to the Khojaly tragedy may have “undesirable” political consequences for certain circles. That is, in fact will be recognized as invasive and aggressive policy of Armenia. And this will also strengthen the already strong position of Azerbaijan in the negotiation process. However, it should be noted that the lack of sensitivity of the international community to the Khojaly tragedy paves the way for very dangerous precedents. Moreover, Armenia feels even more impunity, and the region is seeking new provocations against international security. Nevertheless, in general, in a conflict situation, the political potential of Azerbaijan has intensified. This, in turn, will ensure the firmness of a fair international position on the Khojaly genocide. ”

Published : 26-02-2019

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