Our scientist exposed yet another Armenian falsification

Leafing through the pages of our history, we are often faced with the Armenian falsifications. Most of all we are faced with this when using sources, scientific literature and archival materials.
In an article by Rizvan Huseynov, senior researcher at the ANAS Institute of Law and Human Rights, published in Russian in 2013, “Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh: a geographical term or ideological weapon against Azerbaijan?” and in the monograph “Azerbaijan and the Armenian Question in the Caucasus” published in 2015, such falsifications were exposed. It should be noted that this monograph published by the Institute of Law and Human Rights is used in a number of American and European universities and in the Library of Congress.
A number of foreign and Armenian sources and archival materials used by R. Huseynov thoroughly reveal the false Armenian history.
Since this situation is very worrying for the Armenian side, using a foreign diaspora and its accomplices, it was possible to remove a number of foreign and Armenian sources used by scientists from the world-famous encyclopedias Britannica and Wikipedia.
By such dirty deeds, Armenian propaganda once again showed its true false image.
A recently published article by Rizvan Huseynov, senior researcher at the Institute of Law and Human Rights, director of the Caucasus Historical Center, an associate professor of UNESCO in the North Caucasus, titled “AFTER THE SECRET OPERATION“ ARMENIAN HIGHLANDS ”IN THE BRITISH ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WIKIPEDISY devoted to the analysis and disclosure of this issue.
You can read the article by clicking on the link.

Published : 12-05-2020

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