The 5th International Conference of Scientific Research discussed the international legal framework for combating trafficking in persons

The V International Conference of Scientific Research was held on September 24. Senior Researcher of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy in Law SevinjHuseynova presented a report on the topic "International legal framework for combating human trafficking."
S. Huseynova stressed that transnational organized crime of human trafficking on an international scale has become a serious social problem that worries humanity. The current situation required the unification of efforts of states aimed at combating crime in human trafficking. It is for this purpose that in the XX century the UN, the Council of Europe and other international organizations adopted conventions, treaties and other normative legal acts aimed at realizing the full protection of individual freedom. Since then, human rights have become the subject of not only national, but also international legal regulation.
According to the speaker, the Republic of Azerbaijan, which attaches particular importance to the fight against human trafficking, has ratified most of these international documents. Programs and concepts that provide for the fight against trafficking in human beings in international and national legal instruments include three main areas of activity: prevention of human trafficking, assistance to victims of human trafficking, disclosure of criminal acts related to human trafficking, and punishment of criminals.
According to her, in order to fulfill the obligations arising from international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan has joined in the field of combating human trafficking, including the Council of Europe Convention on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, taking into account international experience in this area, the relevant legislative acts.
Note that the reports presented at this conference were published in the "Proceedings of the V International Conference of Scientific Research".

Published : 26-09-2021

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