The competition dedicated to Human Rights Day was completed

The competition dedicated to the International Day of Human Rights - December 10, conducted by the Institute of Law and Human Rights as a public legal entity, came to the end. Students of bachelor's and master's degrees of legal and journalistic specialties of universities took part in the competition.
3 students of the Faculty of Law of BSU - Einaddin Gabibov, Arzu Shukurova and Shahid Magherramli, who showed the highest results in the nomination “Jurisprudence”, as well as 4 students of the Faculty of Journalism of BSU, who showed the highest results in the nomination “Journalism” - Nurana Kulieva, Isa Taralov, Shams Huseynli and Elshan Soltanzade became winners.
On December 8, the winners were invited to the event dedicated to the International Human Rights Day, organized by the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives together with the Institute of Law and Human Rights. The participants of the event were presented a video of students-journalists winners.
At the end, the winners got certificates and awards from the Head of the Institute.

Published : 09-12-2022

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