The monograph of our colleague Vafa Mammadova was published

A monograph by our colleague Vafa Mammadova entitled: “Legal Features of Corruption in Healthcare: International Practice and the Republic of Azerbaijan” was published.
The monograph reveals the legal features of acts of a corrupt nature committed in the field of healthcare, examines international experience in the legal regulation of this issue and the practice that exists in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The concept of “corruption” is revealed through the study of various international legal documents and legislation of world countries. Corruption in the healthcare field is studied as a negative phenomenon that directly violates human rights and various norms of ethical behavior.
The author studies the factors associated with the commission of such illegal actions, and countermeasures taken regarding such negative manifestations. The author also attaches particular importance to the code of ethical behavior of persons vested with certain powers.
Further, acts of a corrupt nature are comprehensively studied, both from a legal and ethical point of view. A number of proposals are put forward to improve legislation in this direction.

Published : 30-11-2022

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