The round table was held on the final presentation of the project «Preparation of the Appeals to İnternational court of displaced People in captivity during the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”

  Persons who have been in captivity to be appealed to the international court

   “Hasrat Yolu” Assistance Association  for  captives and hostages held the roundtable on the final presentation of the project «Preparation of the appeals to international court of refugees and IDPs in captivity, that were released after torture and inhuman treatment during the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict” (the first stage), with the financial support of  the Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 16, 2016.

The chair of the Association Esmira Orujova said that ethnic cleansing and genocide policy of Armenia against Azerbaijan put our country face to face with the problem of hostages and missing which is considered one of the humanitarian disaster.

The project lasted for 4 months. Within the framework of the project, not less than 2 hours of meetings with 100 people who have been released from captivity and settled in Baku and Absheron, as well as in Beylagan, Shamakhi regions and inquiries were held with each of them.

Representative of the special investigation department of Military Prosecutor's Ulvi Ahmadov, the head of the department at Ombudsman Office Rashid Rumzada, head of the international relations department at “Nagorno Karabakh's Azerbaijani Community” Public Union's Nadir Bayramov, the researcher the national legislation and international law department of the Institute on Law and Human Rights of ANAS Gaya Aliyev, representative of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs Arif Mustafayev, Lachin region executive power's representative Yagut Cabbarly,  Khojaly region executive Power's representative Khalil Valiyev, a political scientist, professor Rovshan Novruzoghlu, the chair of the Khojavand region office of Red Crescent Society Kamran Babayev had speeches on the topic.  

Published : 16-11-2016

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