The training on the preparation of scientific publications for international journals was held

On January 16, 2023, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Uzeyir Mammadov, conducted training for our legal staff on the topic “Preparation of a scientific publication for an international journal: a brief overview of the recommendations and requirements of scientific publishers”. The training provided detailed information on general principles of compiling articles, academic writing, composition and publication of a scientific article. At the event speaker recommended some of the tools and platforms that could be useful when publishing articles in prestigious international journals. In addition, the importance of publishing articles by scientists and employees in leading foreign publications was specifically emphasized. In general, this training can be considered as a logical continuation of the previous training dedicated to the scientometric indicators of scientists and organizations.
The information received at the training can be useful to the Institute's staff members in the future during preparing scientific publications for international journals. At the end, the issues of choosing journals and searching for journals suitable for publication were clearly explained, as well as answers to the questions of the training participants were given.

Published : 16-01-2023

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