The young Azerbaijani scientist will become a member of the prestigious International research Council operating in the United States

Said Musayev, a researcher of the Institute of law and human rights of ANAS, was elected a member of the prestigious International research Council of the Institute for the study of global anti-Semitism and politics, working in the field of combating anti-Semitism in the world. (Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy)
According to the relevant proposal of the Board of the Institute for global anti-Semitism and political studies and the unanimous decision of the Academic Council of the Institute on December 5, 2020, Musayev said was Elected a member of the research group for his research in the field of anti-Semitism in Europe (more:
The said Research Team is an international group of highly qualified professors and researchers from the University of Connecticut in the USA, Bar Ilan University in Israel, the University of Cambridge in the UK, Nanjing University in China and other leading universities in the world who will engage in interdisciplinary research on contemporary anti-Semitism.
An international research team will help equip and inform academics and policymakers with the tools needed to understand the global challenge of anti-Semitism and tackle the social issue, through research, academic programming and publishing to map and decipher this complex topic.
Recall that since January 1, 2016 Said Musaev has been conducting research work on the topic “Methods of combating anti-Semitism, racism and radicalism in the context of human rights on the example of Europe and Azerbaijan”, in June 2017 he won an international grant from the Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism and US Politics (Institute for the Study of Global Antsemitism and Policy) and took part in international trainings at the University of Oxford UK /, in 2018, by the invitation of the Institute "Law, Religion, Society, Entrepreneurship" of the University of Strasbourg, France, under the scholarship of ANAS, conducted research in the country for 1 year and returned home.

Published : 16-12-2020

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