Training on the topic “Intellectual Property” was held

On November 17, at the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Professor Kamran Behbudov conducted training on the topic: “Intellectual property legislation. Problems and Prospects of Development in Azerbaijan”.
At the training organized for the staff of the Institute, the essence of the concept of “Intellectual Property” was touched upon and such issues as the role of intellectual property in the context of modern civilization were analyzed. During the training, information was provided on the “Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property”, which entered into force in 1883, and the “Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works” in 1886. Patents for intellectual property, obtaining patents and copyright protection, the right to combat piracy, registration of trademarks in the public registry service and trade secrets have been analyzed in detail.

Published : 17-11-2022

Views : 41