A ceremony of awarding the order of the “Son of the Fatherland”

At the Institute of Law and Human Rights of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held a ceremony of awarding the Order of the "Son of the Fatherland" to the member of the Scientific Council of the Institute, ambassador professor Namik Aliyev. This award, which was established by the National Fund "Dede Korkut", is given to the social and political figures, scientists and researchers, who managed scientific and educational activities that are contributed to the development of our country, the process of liberating the ancient Azerbaijani land of Nagorno-Karabakh from the Armenian capture etc.

  Opening the event, deputy director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights for scientific affairs, doctor of Philology Lala Ahmadova noted that Namik Aliyev made a great contribution to the science of law in our country. Regardless of where and in which sphere he worked, he spoke from the point of view of the scientist and citizen, always faithfully serving to his motherland. Namik Aliyev has always maintained close ties with the Institute of  Law and Human Rights. Even working as ambassador in Georgia and Moldova, he took an active part in all the activities of the Institute. L. Ahmadova  also mentioned that Namik Aliyev was closely involved in the process of drafting the Constitution of Azerbaijan in 1995th and in enactment of more than 100 bills by the parliament of the country. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Renaissance-21 century", which was founded by the Azerbaijan Institute of  International Relations.

          Speaking at the ceremony, President of the Fund "Dede Gorgut" Eldar Ismayilov said Namik Aliyev is a member of 6 international (Moscow, Insburg, Tbilisi, New York) and the National Academy, as well as an honorary doctor of 4 universities (Georgia, Republic of Moldova). Until now, he has held senior positions in the Parliament, the Ministry of Justice, and at the Baku State University. He is a member of the parliamentary commission on investigation of crimes in Nagorno-Karabakh and Khojaly genocide. He has published 20 monographs and books and over 100 scientific articles. N. Aliyev`s study called "International Law and Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict" was published in various languages ​​in 7 countries.

          This book, published in Chisinau in Moldovan language, in 2012 was awarded a diploma by the Ministry of Culture of Moldova and the Moldovan National UNESCO Commission. E. Ismayilov noted that boasts countless merits of N. Aliyev is honored to award him the Order of "Son of the Fatherland".

          Speakers at the ceremony discussed the scientific, educational and diplomatic activities of Namik Aliyev and noted that scientific and methodical work and his books have been published and aroused great interest in Azerbaijan as well as in Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Romania, France and so on.

          The event was attended by members of parliament, representatives of ministries and to appropriate committees of Azerbaijan, delegates of international organizations, academics, as well as media representatives.

Published : 11-12-2017

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