A meeting was held on the theme of Popularization of science

On November 30, 2017, the Department of Public Relations and Popularization of science of the Presidium of ANAS held a joint meeting with the participation of heads of public relations departments of ANAS institutions and organizations.

The head of Public Relations Department of the Institute on Law and Human Rights Leyla Mammadova also attended the meeting.

The main purpose of the event was to develop scientific journalism, to train professionals in this field, to prepare articles in scientifically popular style, to discuss the issues of science in the media and to discuss ways to solve them.

The head of the RH Public Relations and Popularization of science Department, Zulfugar Farzaliyev, Deputy Chief Ulviyya Rzayeva also spoke about the importance of preparing articles in the scientific-popular style, as well as the preparation of professional staff in popularization of science.

The head of the department also mentioned the activity of ANAS “Elm” newspaper, www.elm.gov.az website and the activity of “Elm” TV. Noting that the media and e-media play an important role in the broad dissemination of scientific knowledge and scholarly research, scientific organizations and institutions they have called for mobilizing all their forces to establish closer ties with other media for the promotion of Azerbaijani science.

Then they exchanged views on promotion of science in mass media, information provision of web sites of the institutions of ANAS and other issues. The relevant assignments were given on information provision of web site of each institute and organization on the portal elm.gov.az of ANAS . It was decided to issue annual reports by the heads of public relations departments for the first quarter of each year.

Published : 30-11-2017

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