A meeting was held with Japanese professors

Today, at the Institute of Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the Director of the Institute, Doctor of Law, Professor Aytan Khanum Mustafazade, met Makoto Nagasawa and Seiichiro Nakabayashi, professors of the School of Public and Social Sciences at Saitama University in Japan. A. Mustafazade briefed the guests with the activities of the institute, raised the problem of the occupation by Armenia of 20% of Azerbaijani territories and noted the importance of bringing the truth about the conflict to the international arena.
During the meeting, the parties discussed issues related to the development and application of artificial intelligence, which is one of the most pressing issues, as well as future laws and regulations that will be applied in the future in the field of informatics and cybersecurity, as well as bioethics and the future development of lawmaking and human rights in this area, an exchange of views was held, and the future prospects of the parties were discussed.

Published : 28-03-2019

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