An article by Abbas Islamov entitled “Political curiosities of the Iranian theocracy” was published

The article “Political curiosities of the Iranian theocracy” by an employee of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, researcher Abbas Islamov was published on the website of the Center for Caucasian History. It describes the features of Iran's policy towards the Republic of Azerbaijan at the present stage of history. The article tells that during the entire period of the military occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan by the armed forces of Armenia, the leadership of Iran constantly avoided harsh condemnation of the Armenian aggression. At the same time, the forcible change of the state borders of Azerbaijan by the armed forces of Armenia was ignored. Today, at a time when Azerbaijan restored its state borders, Iran presents this as an attempt by Azerbaijan to change the borders in the region.  The author also mentions that under the guise of holding planned military exercises, the Iranian government decided to demonstrate its military power to Azerbaijan and acts as a military and politically of Armenia in the region.

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Published : 14-11-2022

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