An article by Afag Sadigova was published in the “Scientific News” journal

In the issue of the journal No. 1 (33) "Scientific News" of the Police Academy of the MIA of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2022, an article entitled "Participants in migration processes in the Republic of Azerbaijan and their rights" by an employee of our Institute, Afag Sadigova, was published.
In the article, the author outlined the research and analysis of participants in migration processes in the Republic of Azerbaijan and their rights.
The article reflects the application of the new definition to participants in migration processes, the adoption of the State Strategy on Migration for 2021-2026, the recognition of the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora of Azerbaijan Republic as a participant in migration processes, as well as proposals regarding the compliance with the law of the additions made to Article 3 "General Concepts" of Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Published : 30-12-2022

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