An article by Emin Dadashev was published

An article by Emin Dadashev, an employee of our Institute, entitled “The necessity of changing Article 12.5 of the Housing Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan” was included in the collection of materials of the republican scientific-practical conference “The role of Heydar Aliyev in the formation of the modern Azerbaijani state”.
The article points out that the expression “premises” often used in housing law literature and in practice is ambiguous. In the first case, the expression “premises” is used as “the area of the apartment”, and in the second case, as “living area”, and it is understood as the total area of the entire apartment. The author also notes that instead of the word “citizen”, in Article 12.5 of the Housing Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan it is more appropriate to use the expression “physical person”.
He emphasizes that by amending the legislation, it is appropriate to include balconies and verandahs to the total area of premises. For this reason, the author proposes to amend Article 12.5 of the Housing Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and state it as follows: “Total area of premises consists of the amount of the area of all parts of premises, including the area of the auxiliary rooms intended for satisfaction with physical persons of the domestic and other needs connected with their accommodation in premises including the balconies and verandahs”.

Published : 07-12-2022

Views : 20