An article by our employees has been published in Russia

An article entitled “Crimes in the field of cyber security and information in Azerbaijan” was published in co-authorship of the employees of the department of Legal support of state security of our Institute Mahammad Imanli, Khayala Kalashova and Maral Hasanova. The article was included into materials of the scientific-practical conference “Criminal Law and Investigative Activities: Legislative, Scientific and Practical Problems” held on April 28-29 in Moscow.
The article emphasizes the necessity of legal regulation of this system as a result of effective management and activities connected with the development of information and communication technologies in the international system. It is noted that the international community cannot be imagined without legal regulation of the global information environment, and especially without the due protection from criminal encroachments.
The authors touched on the issues of protection of basic human rights and freedoms, freedom of speech and expression of opinions, privacy, protection of information about network users, as well as their rights to intellectual property in the priority spheres of technological activity. They paid special attention to the problem of combating cybercrime, which is of great importance for the modern information society.

Published : 15-11-2022

Views : 17