Annual report meeting of the Public relations Departments was held

On February 13, ANAS hosted annual report meeting of the departments of public relations of various institutions of the Academy for the year 2017. The meeting was organized by the Public Relations and Science Promotion Department of the Presidium of ANAS.

Zulfugar Farzaliyev, head of the Public Relations and Science Promotion Department, emphasized the importance of creating a public relations department in each institution of the academy for the preparation and specialization of journalists in various fields of science.

The deputy head of the department, member of the Union of Journalists of Azerbaijan Ulviyya Rzayeva also noted that the Public relations department in more than 40 institutes and organizations of ANAS is an important factor in the development of scientific information and the development of scientific-popular journalism.

Rzayeva mentioned the question of electing one person from the most public activists in each of the six sections of the academy's public relations department.

Leyla Mammadova, the head of Public Relations Department of the Institute on Law and Human Rights was appointed responsible person.

Later, the heads of Public relations departments of the institutes of ANAS gave information about the work done during the reporting year, as well as the statistics of news published in the media and the Internet, the web site management and information provision, as well as the work done in the field of social media promotion.

Published : 13-02-2018

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