The training within the framework of cooperation with the Council of Europe was conducted in Ganja

The training within the framework of the joint cooperation of the Institute of Law and Human Rights and the Council of Europe was held in Ganja on July 29.

The training on "Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Court of Justice of Azerbaijan in the perspective of the European Court of Human Rights" was organized for employees of the justice departments, prosecution and judicial bodies, as well as members of the Bar Association.

The head of the Human Rights Training and Expertise Department of the Institute, member of the Bar Association, Vusala Muradkhanli gave general information about the activities of the Institute to the training participants and noted that the Institute regularly conducts such instructive trainings.

V.Muradkhanli made an extensive presentation on “Article 6 of the ECHR: civil-legal aspect” in front of audience. By commenting on the right to a fair trial from the point of view of the rule of law, the trainer emphasized the importance of practical and effective access to the court.  Moreover, she touched upon the issue of right fulfillment of procedural requirements.

The trainer-expert, member of the Bar Association, Babek Hamidov, continued the training with the topic on "Article 6 of the ECHR: criminal-legal perspective". He drew the attention of the participants to crucial decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which define the rights of criminally charged persons covered by Article 6, and to the standards and approaches in this field. Also, the trainer-expert explained the peculiarities of rendering legal assistance and providing a lawyer during the court sittings.

During the discussions, the trainer-experts addressed the questions of the participants in a detailed form and provided relevant recommendations on the main topic of the training.

The solution of the legal cases was carried out as a group, and the training was evaluated. At the end, 20 training participants were awarded with certificates.

Published : 29-07-2023

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