Aytan Mustafazada ,Nazim Cafarli: Islamic law

The book entitled Islamic Law (in the context of human rights) is published in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 10, 2017, in the context of Islam and human rights and freedoms, dedicated to “Year of Islamic Solidarity”.

The book examines and analyzes the essence of the Shari'ah and fiqh science, the fundamental features of the rule of law in Arabia on the evolution of Islam, and the fundamental changes in the field of human rights and freedoms.

Also, the work of the prominent scholars in the field of Islamic law in the formation of sharia and fiqh have been systematized.

The book explains the essence of the differences between the legal aspects of the Islamic law and the specific features of the regulation, the principles of secular law and the non-formal foundations and sources of religious regulation. Family, property, rights, trade law, Muslim criminal law, judicial system are investigated.

International and regional legal documents based on Islamic law are interpreted from human rights perspective.

The book is important for researchers, high school students, and readers.

Published : 26-01-2018

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