Ayten Mustafazade: "Problems of employment of people with disabilities"

This monograph is devoted to some actual problems of employment and employment of people with disabilities. Disabled monographs are characterized as an integral part of the social structure of society, employment and employment of people with disabilities, as one of the social problems of modern society, an integrated social approach to understanding disability, progressive world experience in integrating people with disabilities, the relevance and importance of engaging people in work, the rules governing the employment of persons with disabilities in labor legislation, vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, the quota of jobs for persons with disabilities, theoretical aspects of employment and employment, understanding and key aspects of employment and employment of persons with disabilities, issues related to foreign best practices countries with equal education are carefully studied, paying particular attention to the main problems faced by people with disabilities in ke labor, and their decisions.
The monograph is intended primarily for lawyers, law professors, law professors, graduate students, undergraduates and students, social welfare institutions, as well as other institutions involved in social protection, as well as those interested in protecting the rights of persons with disabilities.

Published : 18-12-2018

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