Azerbaijani scientists pointed out to the armenian colleague the gross shortcomings in his speech on the eastern numismatics

As reported  “Sputnik” Azerbaijan in the Center for the History of the Caucasus, in Veliky Novgorod, the 19th All-Russian Numismatic Conference continues its work.
The organizers of this event are the State Hermitage Museum, the State Historical Museum of Russia, the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Novgorod Museum-Reserve.
The largest scientific forum was gathered by the experts from different Russian cities, as well as from different countries.
Within the framework of the "Eastern numismatics" session, several scientists made speeches with various reports.The numismatist of the National Museum of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS), Professor Ali Rajabli and the director of the Center for the History of the Caucasus, senior researcher of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS Rizvan Huseynov are also attended at this scientific forum. Azerbaijani scientists presented at the session the report "Unique coins of Shirvanshahs".
Also during the session was presented the report of the Armenian scientist from Moscow, Alexander Hakobyan on the theme "Weights and names of the denominations of Iranian copper coins of the 16th-19th centuries".
Despite the fact that the speech of the Armenian scientist was quite correct, without any attacks, nevertheless, it revealed some gross flaws, in connection with which Professor Ali Rajabli and Rizvan Huseynov made a several comments. As Azerbaijan “Sputnik” reported, Huseynov told He personally had the impression that Hakobyan, speaking of medieval copper coins, intentionally ignores the medieval Azerbaijani cities, in which coins were also minted.
Director of the Center for Caucasus History noted that in his speech the Armenian scientist touched only three places. The first is the medieval Irevan (Yerevan), which at that time was part of the Azerbaijani khanates and subordinated to the Safavid and other powers. The second is Tiflis, where coins were minted also in the Muslim period. And the third is the village of Zagem (Zayyam) in the west of Azerbaijan, where the Safavids were temporarily allowed to mint copper coins for the Georgian principalities, Huseynov said. «As a result, according to Akopyan's speech, the impression was that in the entire vast space of the Muslim world in the East, only Armenians and Georgians had the right to mint coins», “Sputnik” said.
Naturally, according to Huseynov, Azerbaijani scientists reminded their Armenian colleague that coins were minted in the territory of historical Azerbaijan at that time, and the biggest centers were such cities as Ganja, Shamakhi, Sheki, Panahabad, Nakhchivan, Guba, Derbent, Baku. "Naturally, we made a remark to him in connection with such selectivity. So how, the empire was ours, our state, and the money was minted by Armenians and Georgians? ", He said.
According to the director of the Center, Professor Rajabli also noticed that during the mentioned period, cities had the right to mint copper coins. And the empire itself minted gold and silver coins, relying on which, based on their nominal value, already small cities minted their copper coins.
Rajabli noted that this process was controlled from above, orders came from the Azerbaijani Safavid state - the Kyzylbash state. No one city could not mint any coins, any weight, any value, at will, without coordination with the top. "While our Armenian colleague especially avoided mentioning the Safavid Kyzylbash state, he called them Iranian coins, although this had nothing to do with the territory of Iran," - Concluded the historian. All-Russian numismatic conference - the main forum of numismatists-researchers. It has been held regularly since 1993 and attracts dozens of specialists in numismatics, faleristics and bonistics from the main museums of our country and near and far abroad. Conducting conferences allows to evaluate, plan and coordinate all research work in the field of numismatics and related special historical disciplines.

Published : 11-12-2017

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