Domestic violence must be prevented

November 13, 2013 at the Institute on Human Rights of NASA was held public discussion of the project "National Program of Activities for the Prevention of Domestic Violence". During the event, jointly organized by the State committee on problems of family, women and children, UNFPA, Azerbaijan Lawyers Confederation and the Institute on Human Rights, discussed the issues which provide the dynamic development of legislation in the field of effective fight against domestic violence. For the purpose of complex and comprehensive providing the legal policy pursued in the field of prevention of domestic violence, J. Garadjayev - the judge of the Constitutional Court, A.Nuriyev - the head of Constitutional Researches fund, V. Guseynli - the representative of the public association "Democratic Reformatory Youth of Azerbaijan", G. Ibragimova and I.Akhmedov - the staff of Institute on Human rights, T.Ibragimova - the representative of the State committee on problems of family, women and children, etc., analysed the current legislation. It was noted that the current process of fight against domestic violence is universal. The speakers felt the need to carrying out large-scale informative and educational actions among various groups of the population and regular polls for elimination of domestic violence problems. During the discussions, there was an exchange of views about the protection of victims of domestic violence and ensure their medical and legal assistance, as well as ongoing activities in the field of social rehabilitation of these people, and the steps taken in the direction of improving the performance of government agencies in fighting against domestic violence.

Published : 19-11-2013

Views : 18