Gunay Aliyeva's article “The Essence of Legislation on Security and Protection of Human Rights” was published

On December 27, the Police Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan held an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Actual problems of human rights in the modern period”, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.
The article of our colleague Gunay Aliyeva “The essence of legislation on security and protection of human rights” was included in the collection of articles of the conference. The article talks about human security, which is one of the specific and most important features of modern concepts of national security. A state is safe not only if it prevents the threat of aggression and attack, but also ensures a normal way of life and the socio-economic well-being of its citizens. Modern national security is formed by a combination of three interacting elements: the security of the individual, society and the state. The level of security of society and the state depends on the measure ensuring the security of the individual and taking into account legal values.
In the article, the author states that the presence of such threats as international terrorism, illegal migration, transnational organized crime, human trafficking, drug smuggling, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, set certain tasks for the state, contributing to a safe environment in Azerbaijan Republic. At the same time, the article widely commented the implementation of important organizational and activity reforms in our republic and the development of a plan of consistent measures to strengthen the necessary legal framework.

Published : 29-12-2022

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