A training dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Sureyya Agaoglu was held at the institute

On May 6, 2023, a training on "Rules of the court session in civil, criminal and administrative proceedings" was held under the joint organization of the Institute of Law and Human Rights and the European Law Students Association. The training took place within the framework of the XII National Court Competition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Sureyya Agaoglu, the first female lawyer of the Turkish world.

35 young lawyers participated in the training presented by Vusala Muradkhanli, head of the Human Rights Training and Expertise Department of the Institute.

In the training, the principles of judicial review of the case, consideration of the merits of the case, decisions of the court of first instance while considering the case, registration of decisions and results to be made at the meeting, adjournment of the court and other identical topics were analyzed and a wide exchange of ideas was held.



Published : 08-05-2023

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