An article authored by the Institute’s employee “Impact of the Application of artificial intelligence on Human Rights” was published

The article authored by Aygun Arifli, a legal researcher of the Institute, entitled “Impact of the application of artificial intelligence on human rights” was published in the issue of the scientific legal journal “Law” No. 01 (351) of 2024.

The article examines the impact of systems controlled by artificial intelligence on human rights from the point of view of regional mechanisms for the protection of human rights, as well as reflected in the most important international documents adopted by the UN. At the same time, the issues of how artificial intelligence can affect the implementation of fundamental human rights were emphasized in the article.

In the article, the author analyzes the role of artificial intelligence in human rights researches, recommends conducting comprehensive research to resolve controversial issues arising during its application, including the implementation of artificial intelligence within principles of respect for private life, non-discrimination and equality.

Published : 28-02-2024

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