If he were alive today, he would be 57 years old…..

Prof. Rovshan Mustafayev, a great scientist, prominent public figure is not with us for more than eight years. The well-known citizen of Azerbaijan, Rovshan Faig oglu Mustafayev was born on October 5, in 1960 in Baku. He began to study at the faculty of philology of the Azerbaijan State University in 1977 and graduated in 1982. He defended his dissertation at the Azerbaijan State University in 1988, and the same year he published collection of poems “The songs of Mirza Shafi Vazeh. The forgotten and less known Russian translations” in “Yazichi” publishing house.

R. Mustafayev founded cultural societies “ Cheshma” and “Gunaydin” studying etnic systems, and later extending his studies of the research established the Institute of Azerbaijan State Building and International relations in 1990-1992. “Dirchelish - XXI Century” was published as the scientific publication of this institute, and R. Mustafayev was the director of the Institute and editor in-chief of the journal. This journal was the first political-political scientific journal in the region.

As the conclusion of his investigations in the field of politology, with the desicion of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rovshan Mustafayev became the doctor in “political sciences” for the first tim in whole South Caucasus in 1996.

the Institute of Human Rights of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) was founded basing on the Ordinance of the nationwide leader of the Azerbaijan Republic Heydar Aliyev "On establishment of Scientific-Research Institute of Human Rights" in order to improve the democratic reforms in 1998. And Rovshan Mustafayev was entrusted to organize and lead this new research center by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS.

The first director of the Institute, the first political scientist in the South Caucasus, R.Mustafayev headed the scientific-research center until his death in 2009. He has created his own school on political sciences. Dozens of well-known scholars benefited from R.Mustafayev's school.

Rovshan Mustafayev is the author of more than 60 articles, books and monographs published in Baku, Istanbul, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Tbilisi, Kharkov, Kiev and Jerusalem. His has valuable books on Azerbaijani statehood, Armenian terrorism, political philosophy of “azerbaijanism” - "Azerbaijan and the new world order", "Azerbaijan's statehood: understanding self and the world", "XXI century. "The Politics of Illusion," "Politics is destiny," "The thought is free," “Enlargement of NATO- on political daltonism issue”, “Virtual Passions”

“Marches of Death”, “Tango of Death”. Under the editorshop and active participation of R.Mustafayev, the Azerbaijani realities were brought to attention of the world publishing the chronological encyclepedia of “ Crimes against humanity by Armenian terror and bandit groups (XIX-XXI centuries)” and was translated into English and Russian. In 2008, Rovshan Mustafayeva was awarded

certificate of International Eurasia Press Fund for “Marches of Death” as the best scientific research on terrorism. His book “Tango of Death” was published in four languages. The chronological encyclepedia of “Crimes against humanity by Armenian terror and bandit groups (XIX-XXI centuries)” translated into English and was sent to to world parliaments and libraries.

Prof. R.Mustafaev was the co-founder and chairman of the World Scientific Council on Human Rights (Baku - Brussels - Moscow - Budapest- Geneva), and deputee of the chairman of UNESCO National Committee on Biodiversity and Ethnic Thought Studies. He is also a full member of the National Academy of Georgia, the Academy of International Academy of Science (Austria) and the International Academy of the Use of Environment (Russia). In 2006, the Department of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Georgia honoured him as the Professor of the University named after N.Nikoladze and he has been appointed Chairman of the State Committee for State Examinations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. R. Mustafayev was a first Muslim member of the Academy of Sciences of Gelat (Georgia) and patriach Ilya II presented his diploma in 2008.

A prominent scientist was awarded the “S.Asgarkanov award” established by by the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan for “Crimes against humanity by Armenian terror and bandit groups (XIX-XXI centuries)” and he was awarded by the Romanian Human Rights Organization with the medal of "Scientific Contribution to the Protection of Human Rights". In 2001, “Ireli” Youth Movement nominated the “Virtual passion” as the most valuable work for the nomination of “Research of the Year”.

In June 2007, the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan conferred the title of Professor on him on speciality “Political issues of the global development and international relations”. In 2008, R. Mustafayev was awarded the honor decree of the Presidium of Azerbaijan national Academy of Science.

Along with the scientific work, R. Mustafayev actively participated in the public-political life of the Republic. He was a lawyer for Heydar Aliyev, during the elections in 1998. By the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was appointed as a member of the editorial board of the National Encyclepedia, and of the staff of the State Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the captives and missing, internally displaced persons.

Valuable activity of the unforgettable scientist has been greatly appreciated. “Medal and certificate named after Prof. Rovshan Mustafayev” by the International Foundation named after Rovshan Mustafayev has been established which is presented once a year. The first vice-president of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva and the vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, founder and head of IDEA Public Union Leyla Aliyeva were the first ones who were awarded this medal and certificate.

Published : 06-10-2017

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