Institute staff took part in the 5rd International Congress on Social Sciences – Humanities and Education

On December 19-20, 2019 in Istanbul (Turkey) under the chairmanship of Marmara University Prof. Dr. Giray Saynur Derman was organized the fifth International Congress on Social Sciences - Humanities and Education.
At the congress, our country was represented by deputy director of Science of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor Lala Akhmedova and Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Law Samira Garamollayeva.
Doctor of Philology, Prof. Lala Akhmedova, at the plenary session, starting with an opening speech, made a presentation on “Rights of persons with disabilities, adaptation and integration into society: world experience, current problems and solutions”, talked about the situation of persons with disabilities and the problems they face in different countries, including Azerbaijan, put forward her proposals on this issue.
PhD in Law Samira Garamollayeva made a presentation on “The challenges in social integration of person with disability in Azerbaijan: role of infrastructure”. The report was devoted to the problems of integration of persons with disabilities in Azerbaijan and the special role of the existing infrastructure.
At the end of the congress, L. Akhmedova and S. Garamollaeva were given certificates.

Published : 19-12-2019

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