International workshop “protection of the rights of refugees”

The international workshop on “Protection of the Rights of Refugees” has been held by European Commision in co-operation with the Institute on Law and Human Rights and  within the framework of the TAIEX Instrument on March 06-07 2017.

The main aim of the Workshop share the knowledge and experience on international and EU standards on protection of the rights of refugees, analysis of the current situation in this field in Azerbaijan, and bring out state upport in various fields.  

The director of the Institute on Law and Human Rights, MP, doctor of law Aytan Mustafazada noted in opening remarks that the terrorist attack by Armenia against Azerbaijan, genocide and aggression policy has a long history that began hundreds of years ago. She also mentioned that as a result of ethnic cleansing, over 250 thousand Azerbaijanis forced out of their homes, thoushands were killed by Armenians in 1988. As a result of the Armenian invasion in our country 20% of Azerbaijan's lands were occupied, with over 1 million people forced to become internally displaced persons, and found temporary residence in regions across the country. The Republic of Azerbaijan spoke about the work done on the issue of protecting the rights of these citizens and their family members and their integration into society for several years.

According to Aytan Mustafazada Azerbaijan takes serious steps towards protecting the rights of refugees at the state level and a solid legal framework for this purpose. The Republic of Azerbaijan can be a role model for the European countries. She emphasized that the "State Program on Improvement of Living Conditions of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons and Employment Promotion" approved by Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, dated July 1, 2004 is very important document in improving the living conditions of the refugees and IDPs.

Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan, Mr Alessandro Budai spoke about the protection of the rights of refugees and IDPs, the current situation in Azerbaijan and knowledge and experience of Europe on protection of their rights.

The following speeches were during the Workshop:  The  Head of Section at the Housing Department State Committee on Deals with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan, Mr. Nazim İsgandarov “The current situation in the area of international protection of third-country nationals in Azerbaijan: legislation, institutions and procedures”, Independent Asylum Expert from Belgium, Mr. Cédric Dartois “The Common European Asylum System: relevant EU legislation and standards”,  the Head of European Affairs and International Cooperation Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs in Latvia, Ms. Celmalniece  “Asylum Procedures in EU Member States”  and others.

During the discussions the following issues - the co-operation between Azerbaijan and EU member states for international protection and refugees, and the recommendations and views expressed on this issue were discussed at the end of the Workshop.

The representatives of the Institute on Law and Human Rights, the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs, National Academy of Sciences, the employees of the State Migration Service, Ministry of Interior Affairs, Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman),  State Border Service,  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, as well as a number of higher education institutions and representatives of non-governmental organizations, as well as representatives of the media attended the event.

Published : 11-12-2017

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