Mahammad Guluzade’s article was published in the “Khalq” newspaper

An article by  Mahammad Guluzade,  Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, entitled  “International law guarantees Repatriation to Western Azerbaijan” was published in the issue of the newspaper “Khalq” (“the People”) dated of April 7, 2023,.

The article notes that at present there are a number of documents and mechanisms in the world that ensure property rights. One of these documents is the Principles of Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and  Displaced Persons, adopted by the UN Economic and Social Council in 2005. The author clarifies certain articles of these principles, called the “Pinheiro principles” in honor of the UN Special Rapporteur P. Pinheiro, and analyzes the possibilities created by these principles for the issue of property rights of Western Azerbaijanis.

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Published : 10-04-2023

Views : 146