Our employee participated in the presentation of the report dedicated to the crimes against humanity committed in Bashlibel

On September 28, the “Regional Human Rights and Media Center” Public Union presented to the public a report prepared in English for international organizations on the war crimes committed by Armenia in Bashlibel. 

The meeting organized with the support of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the International Relations Analysis Center in order to introduce the war crimes committed by Armenia against Azerbaijan to the international community. Ilgar Agasiyev, head of the Communications and International Relations department, represented our institute at the above-mentioned event.

The report contained the irrefutable facts related to the massacre committed by the Armenian armed forces against the villagers during the occupation of Bashlibel village of Kalbajar district in April 1993, as well as the material and moral damage inflicted on them. Alongside with the mentioned facts, the photos reflecting vandalism against historical and cultural monuments in the Bashlibel and depicting Armenian falsifications were displayed.

Published : 29-09-2023

Views : 53