The Institute's employee participated in the Samarkand Human Rights Forum

Vusala Muradkhanli, the head of the Human Rights Training and Expertise Department of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, participated in the Human Rights Forum on “Environmental Challenges: The Future of Human Rights in a Changing World, Finding Sustainable Solutions” in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. 

V.Muradkhanli delivered a report on “Climate change and human rights: challenges and opportunities for sustainable development” and provided a comprehensive overview of the Institute's activities, emphasized Institute’s role in promoting human rights initiatives and noted that this Forum would create a unique opportunity to strengthen international cooperation, protect fundamental rights in the face of climate change, and acquire new obligations.

The report highlighted Azerbaijan’s active participation in global climate initiatives, meeting obligations under the Paris Agreement, and implementing large-scale reforms addressing climate change. Additionally, the measures taken by Azerbaijan to develop renewable energy sources, to increase energy efficiency in various sectors of the economy, and legal recommendations were also outlined in the speech.

During the Forum, there were discussions about fundamental rights, including the rights to life, health, food, clean water, and safe housing, the emergence of social and economic instability, and eliminating direct threats to the development of youth and future generations. Furthermore, the impact of climate change on vulnerable groups of the population—including children, women, persons with disabilities, migrants, indigenous peoples, and minorities has been analyzed.

Published : 21-06-2024

Views : 60