Our employee participated in the training

Aygul Jahangirova, an employee of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, participated in the training conducted by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on “UN human rights monitoring mechanisms” organized with the financial support of the European Union on October 20. The training included such topics as basic human rights monitoring and evaluation skills, reporting rules, as well as UN Treaty Bodies, and extensive theoretical and practical information about the complaint procedures of UN human rights mechanisms.

The executive director of the Social Research Center, Sahib Mammadov spoke about the rules for the implementation of human rights monitoring, the essence of alternative (shadow) reports, the elaboration of those reports and the procedures for issuing them. During the training, the participants were given the task of preparing a presentation on the structure, topic and data collection mechanisms of the alternative report. Our employee A. Jahangirova delivered a presentation prepared according to the task and was awarded with certificate for active participation.

Published : 26-10-2023

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