Our employees took part in the event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Jahangir Karimov

A scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Jahangir Karimov, a prominent representative of Azerbaijani legal science, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a full member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, was held on November 4, 2023.

Vusala Muradkhanli, head of the Human Rights Training and Expertise Department of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, and legal researcher Saida Hasanzade participated in the event.

It should be noted that Jahangir Karimov is a researcher and author of scientific works on state and legal theory, philosophy of law, psychology of law, cybernetics of law and other areas. Moreover, the outstanding scientist made exceptional contributions to the training of legal personnel during the Soviet period and the years of independence.

Published : 04-11-2023

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