Our employees participated in the discussion of the "Report on data protection" project

On July 28, a discussion of the "Report on data protection" project was organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) office in Azerbaijan.

The report was prepared for the purpose of providing personal data protection mechanisms, analysis of legislation related to cyber security and artificial intelligence in Azerbaijan and its adaptation to international standards. This report, co-authored by international and local experts, is intended for submission to state authorities.

Our Institute was represented by Uzeyir Mammadov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, and Gulnaz Alasgarova, an expert of the Human Rights Training and Expertise Department.

During the productive discussions, U. Mammadov touched upon the issue of legal problems arising in the field of cyber security and artificial intelligence and the investigation of methods of combating them in international practice.

In her speech, expert G. Alasgarova mentioned that she has high hopes that the proposed recommendations regarding the protection of personal data will be implemented in practice and this project will play a positive role in improving the legislation.

Published : 31-07-2023

Views : 127