M.N.Imanly: “Crimes against property”. Textbook

The textbook, based on the corresponding program, is devoted to crimes against property, which is one of the most important sections of criminal law, and is intended for students of law schools. The book gives an overview of the history of the criminal legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the fight against crimes against property, provides a classification of the crimes under consideration and provides a detailed analysis of criminal offenses in this classification. At that time, court practice was used, decisions of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Supreme Court of the USSR, statistics on crimes against property in the country, as well as information from the UN High Commissioner on the criminal situation in the world. The book also highlights the issue of regulating property crimes in the criminal law of some foreign countries. The textbook can be used by teachers of law faculties of higher schools, students of law schools, researchers, doctoral students and dissertators, as well as law enforcement officials and people interested in criminal law.

Published : 27-09-2018

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