Modern legal problems

The book dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute for Human Rights of ANAS contains the monographs by director of the Institute, member of Milli Majlis, PhD in Law Ayten Mustafayeva: "Protection of human rights as an integral part of bioethics" describing the important role of the new scientific field - bioethics in human rights protection and "Mechanism of implementation and its content in the context of the suppression of violations of international humanitarian law", which focuses on violations of international humanitarian law.The publication also includes the article by Ayten Mustafayeva and Rauf Karayev "Legal aspects of compensation for damages to Azerbaijan as a result of the Armenian aggression". This article is dedicated to an important aspect of a just and comprehensive settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict - definition of international legal responsibility of Armenian for occupation of Azerbaijani lands, as well as issues of compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage done to Azerbaijan.

Published : 02-07-2013

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