Oksford universitetindən dəvət

 Said Musayev is a research associate and doctoral student of Institute of Law and Human Rights was invited to participate in the training which focused on problems of Anti-Semitism and the study of this topic’s scientific aspects at British Oxford University. The invitation was sent by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy.

Under the guidance of academicians and professors of Oxford University, the seminar will be held from 16 to 29 July. The main goal of the training is an interdisciplinary study of the wide spread of the problem of anti-Semitism in the world and the development of training programs on this topic.

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) is one of the first institute which was created for the purpose of scientific study of anti-Semitism and also widely known for its struggle against this phenomenon. Harward Law School annualy conducts social and scientific trainings on the study of anti-Semitism in such universities as: Tel-Aviv University of Israel, Yale's Institution for Social and Policy Studies and Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

It is worth to point out, that since the 1st January of 2016 Said Musayev is a doctorant student of the Institute of Law and Human Rights and currently working on research on the topic of “Racism, Anti-Semitism and radicalization of youth in the context of struggle with human rights practices in Europe and Azerbaijan”.

Published : 11-12-2017

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