One hundred first chance

The book dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute for Human Rights of ANAS includes the monograph of the founder and first director, PhD in Political Sciences, late Professor Rovshan Mustafayev «Azerbaijani statehood: on the way of knowing oneself and the world», first published in 1995, and also his work "Azerbaijani way of development (Euro-Asian model of development, the possible mechanisms of social reforms in Azerbaijan)" published in 1993. The publication, taking into account the experience of the developed countries of the world, realities of the present day, as well as national traditions of the state, presents one of the variants of long-term development of Azerbaijan. Readers can get acquainted with such scientific and analytical conceptions of the author as philosophy of citizenship, role of the state and concept of leadership, ways of economic development, foreign economic activities, philosophy of expanding foreign policy, relationship between Azerbaijan and international organizations, geopolitics and geo-economics of the country, Caucasian House, etc. It also tells about the general provisions of the concept of the same name "Azerbaijani path of development".

Published : 02-07-2013

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