Our employees took part in the presentation ceremony of the report “CSO Sustainability Index – 2021”

On December 13, employees of our Institute Narmin Hasanova, Gunel Aliyeva and Araz Abdullasoy took part in the presentation ceremony of the report "CSO Sustainability Index - 2021", prepared in the framework of cooperation between ICNL and MG Consulting LLC with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The event was held with the aim of presenting the report on the Civil Society Organizations Development Index (USAID Sustainability Index) of Azerbaijan for 2021 to the public. The report has been updated annually for over 20 years and is assessed on the legal environment, financial sustainability, public advocacy, public image and other criteria of civil society organizations in more than 70 countries. During the presentation, the lawyers of MG Consulting LLC Emin Rzayev and Nurlana Aliyeva presented report on Azerbaijan, which prepared on the basis of report for 2020. In 2021, our country experienced positive dynamics in 4 out of 7 areas (legal environment, financial sustainability, provision of services, public image). In three areas (infrastructure, organizational capacity, public advocacy), the situation has not changed since 2020.
The ceremony was attended by representatives of State structures, international organizations operating in Azerbaijan and local NGOs.

Published : 14-12-2022

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