Our free legal aid service continues to operate during quarantine days

The Free Legal Aid Service project, implemented jointly by the International Law Departement of the ANAS Institute of Law and Human Rights and the World Bank, which began to operate in March 2018, provides free services to thousands of people. Despite the fact that there is a special quarantine regime in our country, our free legal aid service, like the corresponding departments of our institute, continues to work. Only in April 1206 people applied for legal aid.
Of these, 1,205 people received legal assistance through Facebook and 1 person via email. Citizens took advantage of online consultations by contacting the free legal aid page on Facebook and by e-mail legalaid@human.science.az.
Most of the appeals to the project were addressed to retirement benefits, social assistance, and in general for labor, family, migration, property, administrative, consumer, criminal, inheritance, debt, transport and other issues.
Most applicants are classified as low-income.

Published : 09-05-2020

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