Our staff memebers took part in the training

On December 19-20, employees of our Institute Narmin Hasanova, Vusala Muradkhanli, Zamik Aslanov, Amrah Rahimli and Araz Abdullasoy took part in training on the topic “Difficulties in data protection in the era of Artificial Intelligence and developing technologies”, organized on the basis of the UNDP Rule of Law and Human Rights project.
Training moderator Tural Ahmed and training facilitator Virginia De Nobrega presented slides on the topic and made the training an interactive. At the training participants discussed the development of Artificial Intelligence and data security, the risks and problems of existing international agreements, international conventions and precedent decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. At the same time, the experience of developed countries in this area and the comparison of norms in the legislative system of the Republic of Azerbaijan were analyzed. The participants of the training were informed about the UN capabilities on this issue, other regional mechanisms and available tools.
The training was attended by employees of the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives, representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman, members of the Bar Association, lawyers of MG Consulting LLC and others.

Published : 21-12-2022

Views : 35